Industrial packaging
High-quality affordable industrial packaging-industrial packaging products-Packaging of industrial goods and products from the manufacturer in Ukraine. Smart Pack is a leading manufacturer of high-quality and affordable industrial packaging in Ukraine. We specialize in the production of industrial packaging products that provide reliable protection of goods from damage and mechanical damage.
Our industrial packaging not only ensures the safety of goods, but can also serve as an advertising function, helping to attract the attention of potential buyers. We can provide packaging with your company's logo or product information that will be visible throughout the entire product journey.
We recommend using a high-quality polymer film for industrial packaging. It is characterized by an affordable price and ease of use, as well as provides reliable protection during storage and transportation.
Our product range includes industrial packaging for household goods, fertilizers and PET bottle labels. We guarantee high quality of our packaging and reliable protection of your goods. Choose our company for efficient and reliable industrial packaging of your products.
Industrial packaging to order
Household goods
Bottle labels
Packaging for industrial products
Packaging for industrial goods and products
Industrial packaging plays a key role in protecting products from damage and theft during storage and transportation. Choosing the right packaging that meets the product's characteristics and ensuring the right combination of material and design is the main criterion in choosing packaging, as it depends on the level of protection of the product.
The product is the main object of purchase and sale above the market, so many products sold using the market mechanism must have packaging. Packaging of goods is not only its direct container, but also a set of protective measures and material means that ensure the safety, transportation and use of goods with maximum safety.
Packaging also acts as an informational tool that conveys all the necessary information about the product to the consumer audience. It is important for creating a positive image of the product and creating a marketing one for consumers.
Packaging for industrial goods must meet certain requirements: attract attention, have clear and sufficient information about the product, correspond to the corporate style of the manufacturer and provide easy recognition of the product. It is also important to avoid frequent changes to the packaging, so as not to make it difficult for consumers to recognize the product.
Functions of packaging industrial products
The main functions of packaging include a protective function, a dosage function, a transport function, a storage function, a marketing function, as well as a regulatory and legislative function, an environmental function, an information function, and an operational function.
1. The protective function is the ability of packaging to maintain the quality of the packaged product for a given period of time and under certain conditions. This function provides for certain measures in the design of the package aimed at protecting the packaged product from climatic influences, as well as from damage and spoilage in case of transportation and storage of the product, as well as at protecting the environment and people from the harmful effects of the packaged product. The protective function for food products is very important. This function is often decisive in the case.
2. The packaging will also fulfill the function of dosing, which is also very important and goes in addition to other functions, in particular it helps to measure the right amount of product.
3. The transport function is the ability of packaging to more conveniently transport products using various types of transport over a certain distance under certain conditions and within a set time.
4. Fulfillment of the storage function requires simple and clear labeling from the packaging design, as well as the possibility of stacking on standard pallets, while optimal use of the working area. If the product will be stored for a long time, that is, for a long time, it is necessary to consider the importance of quality control of the quality of the product that is placed in the package.
5. Packaging performs a marketing function, while it is very effectively used as a means of promoting products to the consumer market. In total, there are three main factors that lead packaging to great importance in the marketing system:
1) the constant growth of various consumer requirements for packaging, that is, for the ease of use of the product;
2) constant competition for more attractive places in stores;
3) use of packaging as product advertisement in the store.
When presenting the product on the counter, the packaging should, first of all, attract with its appearance, that is, due to the correct design and high-quality images, it should stand out against the background of other products. By combining the appearance and due to the information contained on it, it allows you to identify the product, that is, to establish the conformity of the recognized object with its image, sign (identifier).
6. The function of content identification due to the correct selection of the packaging form and its necessary artistic design and visual image has been mastered for a long time. Gradually, the content identification function began to play one of the main functions of packaging. With the help of the use of various symbols, trademarks, trademarks and other information, it is possible to establish a certain connection between the consumer and the manufacturer of the products.
It is important that the product, accompanied by a brand name, is instantly recognized by the buyer. Also, well-known brands show what makes the product different, as well as guarantee the high quality of products and always keep them in the center of attention. It also avoids confusion with other products and helps show the product's quality. An important element of product identification is the shape and color of its packaging. With this, consumers distinguish one product from other competitors.
7. The regulatory and legislative function of packaging follows from other functions. For example, in the process of performing the function of protection and storage, a whole set of sanitary and hygienic requirements for packaging is fulfilled. Now the requirement for packaging has been greatly strengthened. In a number of countries, there is special legislation that strictly regulates the maximum content of various impurities and components in packaging materials that can accidentally get into the product itself. All this is aimed at eliminating the possibility of the transfer of all kinds of harmful substances from the packaging to the product so that their quantity affects the consumer's body. In fact, any packaging material can be used in food production, but only after obtaining the appropriate permission from the sanitary and hygienic control.
8. The dosing function is related to the involvement of measures and weights in the packaging of the regulatory law. We use a system of special documents - technical conditions and GOSTs that exist for the most common types of packaging.
9. The ecological function of packaging is a function that is considered both from the point of view of science and from the point of view of the practical direction of the rational use of packaging by the manufacturer and the consumer in their interaction with the environment.
10. The informational function of packaging began to occupy an important position in the process of emergence of supermarkets, that is, with the development of the level of self-service in retail sales. Packaging began to play the most important role - the role of the seller, in fact, it is a "dumb seller". It carries enough information about the product, has a pleasant appearance, and is often the only "seller" in supermarkets - in self-service stores. For new goods, for novelties, unknown goods, packaging is of particular importance. In this case, she completes the entire sales cycle, that is, she attracts attention, stimulates the interest of consumers, causes them to want to buy this product and encourages the purchase. Solving these tasks is done by conveying the necessary information to the consumer, which fully reflects the novelty of this product, shows its difference from similar products and emphasizes its uniqueness.
Information on the package is divided into optional and mandatory information. Arbitrary information is various elements of artistic design, advertising materials, all kinds of decorations, etc., and mandatory information is strictly regulated in accordance with the law, regulatory documents that correspond to the packaged product. This information includes the main technical characteristics of the product, which include, for example, the composition - list of components, instructions for use, rules for care and storage of the product, as well as warnings about all contraindications, dangers, etc.
11. The operational function of the packaging is how easy it is for the manufacturer, distributor and consumer to handle the packaging in the process of sorting, storage, and sale, as well as how convenient it is when using the packaged product. Thanks to statistical data and various surveys, it was found that buyers choose packaging that can be reused later, that is easy and simple to open, as well as original and attractive packaging that corresponds to the understanding of beauty.
In order to perform each of the listed functions, the packaging must fully meet all requirements.
For example, in order to perform a protective function, requirements are placed on it to ensure the required level of heat resistance, tightness, corrosion and frost resistance, as well as chemical resistance, requirements for protection against dust, requirements for preserving the mass of the product, stability of its shape, durability, impact strength , compression and rupture, ability to amortize, etc.
The last six indicators, together with other specific indicators, such as saving working space, saving transport and storage space, stability when sliding, the possibility of stacking packaging and its automated processing, as well as the unification of containers in terms of design and dimensions, the possibility of group packaging, lightness and simplicity in circulation, ease of opening and closing of the package, important for both the transport function of the package and the storage function of the package.
The last five requirements are put forward by the operational function of the packaging. With the help of the marketing function, the technical and economic indicators of packaging are controlled, the requirements for saving space and area during transportation, storage and sale are solved.
Along with the information function, requirements are put forward for the provision of information, advertising, as well as for the presence of the necessary elements of packaging identification and its individual characteristics.
The ecological function allows you to consider the medical and hygienic requirements for materials, products and packaging as a whole, as well as to consider the possibilities of reusing containers, the convenience of disposal and other aspects of ecology.
Industrial packaging from a manufacturer in Ukraine
Creation and purpose of the company for the production of packaging products
In May 2018, SMART PAK LLC was established with the participation of competent packaging market participants. The company was created on the basis of deep knowledge of the packaging industry market, which was based on the experience of project participants in the full cycle of production and sale of packaging for the food industry and household goods market. The goal of the project is to provide guaranteed high-quality service to manufacturers of products that require personal flexible packaging, high-quality packaging materials in the food and economic industries of the B2B segment.